The New Revelation

2 min readSep 29, 2021

A Prose-Poem

By Charles Kunkle Jr (aka fraterchaos)

“Imagine all the people, living life in peace” — John Lennon, Imagine

“Think not to find me in buildings of wood and stone, split a piece of wood and you will find me, turn over a rock and I am there.” — Jesus Christ, The Gospel of Thomas, The Apocrypha

If there were a true God:

His message would not require a thick book.

(the more words and pages, the more chance it can be wrong)

If there were a true God:

His message would be simple, clear, and concise.

(the truth is plain, and can be understood even by a child. Lies are complex.)

If there were a true God:

His message would not need “interpretation”

(Priests, Fathers, Pastors, Reverends, Elders, Bishops, Cardinals, Popes, Mullahs, Imams, Ayatollahs, Shamans, Witch Doctors, JuJus, Astrologers, Advisors, Clerics, Spiritists, Monks… Charlatans all.)

If there were a true God:

He would never ask us to hate.

(No being, that could create a universe, would condone hatred or bigotry.)

If there were a true God:

He would not condone violence.

(No God could. If he truly loved his creation, he would act to preserve it.)

If there were a true God:

He would not demand sacrifice.

(Not of things, not of animals, not of people. And most definitely, not of our minds.)

If there were a true God:

He would not value ignorance over knowledge.

(Any being that would give humans minds, as the primary difference from other animals, would never discourage their use.)

If there were a true God:

He would not demand, nor rely on “Faith”.

(Faith is no virtue. Faith is belief without evidence, without cause.)

If there were a true God:

He would not need a temple, a church, a synagogue, or a mosque.

If there were a true God:

He would want us to preserve this Earth, our home.

(No God would wish greed and stupidity to destroy the habitat of his favorite creation.)

If there were a true God:

He would not demand a tithe.

(A God would wish for gold and jewels and money to be used to help humanity. No God could watch a child starve, while the greedy wallow in their luxuries.)

If there were a true God:

He would encourage knowledge, critical thinking, and questions.

(What God would desire his children to be dumb sheep?)

If there were a true God:

He would prize equality.

(How can a God be pleased, if some are treated unfairly?)

If there were a true God:

He would not be concerned with how we love one another.

(A God would want more love, never less.)

If there were a true God:

His only message would be Love.

If there were a true God:

His message would sound a lot like what you just heard.

I am no prophet. I have no answers.

A child knows the answers. Why don’t you?

Leave this world a little better place than you found it, and pack out your trash.

Charles Kunkle Jr. (aka fraterchaos) 2015

